Hello Dreamer :)
I’ve been so busy cooking up new creations in the Little Dreamer Studio.
This month’s collection, Wild & Free is one of my FAVORITES. It’s super eclectic and very fun and brimming with cute boho charm.
LOVE. :)
Saturday brings us National Scrapbook Day and I’ve also been creating a fun set to share with EVERYONE YAY! As a way to say THANK YOU for making Little Dreamer your GO-TO-PLACE for amazing digital goods :) I hope to have it posted here by Friday night, but at the very latest Saturday Morning bright and early, even if it’s an all nighter on Friday [which it very well may be ;)]
I’ve got my waterlogged app reminding me to drink up; Game of Thrones qued up and ready to amaze me (no spoilers, please!) and I’m ready to create.. Ready, set. Let’s do this.
Have an amazing day!