I got an email today from a very excited mom :) One of my photos from my session with her adorable son, Mason, ended up on the cover of Memory Makers Mag.  I am so proud, I just had to share it!


Isn’t he a cutie! :) This should be on the newstands in a few weeks. It’s my first cover, so I am pretty stinking excited.

So, today, I am trying to finish up a million things.. I have to admit that my head has been in the clouds just a little bit lately ;) I would give you the juicy details but I am not ready to share yet. It’s good though!

I do promise that my new antique actions will be out later today. Thanks to the fabulous Lauren Barden for helping me get them to function properly in PSE :)

We are also announcing a bit of WELCOMED news at Little Dreamer. We are switching to a new and improved shopping cart. THIS SATURDAY. We will have a happy little Valentines sale, as well as a goodie for you when you register for a new account.  More news on that later today, watch for our newsletter for all the details.

So happy Wednesday, Make it a good one!