It’s time for sale on all our digital papers and embellishments
Today is National Scrapbook Day, and we are celebrating with a LONG OVERDUE sale! We do not host many sales here at Little Dreamer because our Member’s Pricing is already so low; So when a sale comes… It is certainly time to STOCK UP! Our sale this weekend includes membership subscriptions.. So if you’ve been wanting one, don’t miss out on this sale!
And we have released our May Membership Collection today as well! Pop in the shoppe and check it out!
- May 2015 Member’s Content
And, if you are not a subscription member, you can still pick up this fabulous collection and save 30% :) Woohoo!
Because today is National Scrapbook Day, I thought I would take a minute and create something special for you guys :)
Now, some of you may have noticed that I am no longer including a brush set in our membership collection downloads. Out of all the content I create each month, brushes are the least downloaded.. Now, for me.. I use brushes on pretty much everything in one way or another, brushes are my FAVORITE ;) So.. A bonus for you today, a cute little word brush set that coordinates with our Fabulous Collection.
You can download this set below:
Leave us a comment below, let us know what you think about brushes.. Are they your go-to tool, or too much work?
Enjoy the rest of your National Scrapbook Day! :) If you make anything with these or any of our goodies for that mater, we’d LOVE to see.. Drop us a line!