So we are back from a very gorgeous trip to Jackson Hole. It was magnificent! And I am feeling completely refreshed. So much so, that the first thing I did when I got home was to tear my office apart :) From the day we moved in, I have wanted to paint my office the perfect shade of blue. Since it will be a YEAR soon! I figured, it’s now or never. Currently, my computer and the former contents of my office all reside in my dinning room. Yep, it’s a mess. But I am so excited to re-do my office space :) (photos soon to follow)
So, Jackson. Wow..
And I thought MY mountains were beautiful.

We saw a TON of wildlife!

Of course I had to break out the skirts ;)

Yep, that’s snow!

One of my favorite shots :)
We really did have a great time. Just hung out, did some hiking, a little boat trip across Jenny Lake to hike to Inspiration Point, of course some photography, and lots of swimming. We went out on an early morning float trip down the Snake River, and that was pretty cool. Lorynn wanted more ‘rapids’ though. That girl is fearless..
Thank you all for your kind thoughts on Lorynn getting her first set of specs. I think I am over the shock of it now.. Will tackle that job later this week ;)