That CD is one tough cookie! ;) She really cracks the whip! :)
No, really, she is such a sweetie and we had so much fun having her stay with us. My girls just adore her and they feel like it’s just a big party. (and it usually is!) We’ve been working so hard preparing our classes for Europe, they are really going to be amazing! France is probably the only stop on our tour that I will be teaching fully digital classes, all other locations will be hybrid and traditional because as far as I know there are no computer labs.. However, if there is enough interest (and people bring their laptops!) I am sure we can do more digital classes in all locations.
I will post all cities and locations as soon as I can. We are still firming up all the dates. But the main one will be in France, Versailles actually. October 10th, 11th and 12th. Our classes haven’t been posted yet, but you can register at:Paper and Co Show.
So.. Like I said, I had a blast with CD here, One night we popped over to CKU Provo for a bit, and met up with Lisa Bearnson. She was so sweet, just like a girlfriend that you have known forever. We started talking and realized that we literally lived around the block from each other. A few nights later, CD and I were working late and I get this phone call. I am thinking WHO would be calling me at 10:30 at night?? I look on the phone and it’s Lisa :) She wanted to bring us chocolate and she asked if she could get us some drinks or something. We told her to bring us lattes, and she was so cute, She was like, What’s a latte?? LOL! Being from Utah and all, she wasn’t sure what a latte was.. She ended up bringing us some yummy frappuccinos from Starbucks and the best java ice cream I have EVER had!
It was just so funny though, because I am on the phone with Lisa, and I am giving her my address and CD immediately pops up and starts cleaning my house. We had been working all day and it was truly a sight to behold.. But hanging out with Lisa and her sweet friend Cherie was really great! Loved having them over :)
So in other news.. I did finally finish up my You Say I’m A Dreamer set :) I scrapped one of my all time favorite photos of the girls.. It’s just FUN :)

I also have a new photo action out (yeah new stuff!) But I am about to go silent for a while, I have a new line with FP that I have to finish up in the next week, classes to finish planning, and Paul is about ready to take off on another adventure of his own.. He will be climbing Mt. Rainer next week :) I am also getting ready for Little Dreamer’s semi annual sale.. It will start September 15th.. And there should be some yummy new FALL goodies from me in the shoppe :)
So I better get crackin! :) NIGHT!