JJNo8So I am having a blast sharing my joy journal with you :) It’s refreshing to shift your focus once in a while and really think about the things in your life that make you happy. Little or big… The things that bring you joy. It does help to put what you have into perspective. And this journal has been very good for me.

Today’s little joy, is food related. [Yes, I’m a foodie and PROUD of it!] But let’s zero in, shall we? Today’s little joy is more accurately known as.. Sushi… YUM.

Yes, Sushi just makes me happy… It’s almost like eating an art form. How cool is that?? I mean just LOOK at it?? It’s beautiful. _MG_8540


_MG_8534 Couple that with a bowl of yummy edamame and I am in serious foodie heaven. Oh yeah, it’s that good. I’ve even been able to get my girls to try some sushi too. Nothing too ostentatious, Brenna loves most things tempura, so she LOVES Vegas rolls, and Lorynn will actually eat a California roll or two before she decides she wants something else ;)  Start them young and by the time they are old enough we can enjoy Sushi and Sake together.. Cool Beans.