Welcome to February.. Can the calendar REALLY be true? Wow.

So I’ve decided for the entire month of February, I am going to share my Joy Journal here. In many ways it is much like a gratitude journal, but with my own little spin.. There is so much that I am thankful for, little things that bring me joy. This journal is a way for me to celebrate that, to help me recognize and see all of my little joys, my little truths for what they are.. It’s all about the big and little things that make me smile.

JJNo1So today I was happily blessed with the opportunity to visit with one of my best friends for a lunch date. Kristie and I go way back.. (I’m talking second grade here!) And no.. I am NOT going to drudge out those photos to prove it..(Lee, you had better not either!) I am so fortunate to be surrounded by the very best of friends. People who get me and see me as I am.


JJLeeWe are there for each other through all of life’s ups and downs. It truly is a beautiful thing and I couldn’t imagine my life without my best friends. Kristie and I see each other often, even though she lives an hour away. Today I made the drive and the drive itself made me happy. Blue skies; speckled with clouds, (OMG could spring be on the way??) music cranked up as loud as my speakers could handle it. I found myself flying down the highway with a HUGE grin on my face, god; it was just what I needed today.

JJDrive (1)You will excuse the crappy snap shots.. I only had my camera phone with me today.. It did however make me realize how much I LOVE photography, and how I NEED to be doing more of it. For a while there, I took a break, wasn’t even packing my camera in the car with me when I was out and about. Today that changes.

I crave taking images. I love the excitement it holds for me. People, places, things.. It doesn’t really matter. I am vowing to make it more a part of my daily life. It fulfills me.

So, a few more items to add to my Joy Journal today..

Recognizing I need to start packing my camera with me ALWAYS because I crave images more than I crave most anything else. Learning how to use my camera phone because even though a girl may have her principles, every image does not always have to be perfection ;) Driving down the freeway at speeds of 95+ miles an hour, just feeling free, happy and alive, blasting out one of my favorite songs over and over again.. Learning all the words to said favorite song, and belting that sucker out for all to hear :)  - Can you say, seat dancing in the car??